Massage Therapist Roadmap to Great Client Testimonials

Massage Therapist Roadmap 
to Great Client Testimonials

Program Eligible for ONE Continuing Education Credit Through the NCBTMB

Attracting your ideal client into your practice doesn't have to mean spending A LOT of money!

In fact, learning how to leverage your existing clients through an effective testimonial process can 
greatly increase your new client booking rate! 

Here is how...


Your prospective clients want to know that you're the real deal, and that you can deliver on the results you say you can.

Your existing happy clients ARE your social proof and you can easily leverage this through a well structured testimonial.


When a potential new client is looking for a service provider, they are looking for someone who can give them what they specifically need.

Your client testimonials can address any reservations your future clients might have about booking in. This is done through your existing happy client's story of working with you.


You are unique in what you do, and you should want the whole world to know this!

When you have a best practice in place within your business regarding testimonials and reviews, you compound a common theme and image that your existing clients express about you.

This builds your reputation and shows consistency and reliability in your brand; two things that attract new clients like magnets.


Last thing you need is a bunch of random business ideas and concepts to test within your practice, then being left on your own to figure out HOW to put it together yourself! 


Massage Therapist Roadmap to Great Client Testimonials will...
  • Take the guess work out of when to ask for a testimonial, and how to follow up
  • Have you building that oh so important confidence in asking for a testimonial and/or review
  • Give you a strategic set of pre-made questions to give to your clients that you can use over and over again
  • Get you strategically RESPONDING to negative reviews instead of over-REACTING 
  • Have you building better communication with your existing clients - so they can help you build a better business

 "I highly recommend taking this course. The shorter and insightful lessons are so easy to follow! I thought I knew how to get good reviews, but this course taught me how to capture the perfect review and maximize its true power. I have also taken Richard's '14 Day Niche Bootcamp' course, and I can see how the testimonial course will enhance my niche even more. I'm excited to start using the guidelines from this great program to get amazing reviews and use them to their highest potential! 

Liz Rogers-Buuck, LMT
Nampa, Idaho

what is this program about exactly?

The Massage Therapist Roadmap to Great Client Testimonials is a self-study, actionable, easy to follow program online digital program that takes the confusion, overwhelm, and guesswork out of obtaining well structured testimonials that attract your ideal clients right into your practice. 



When you enroll into the program, you will get immediate access to all five lesson videos and accompanying PDF guides.

Because this program is self-study, you can work at your own pace in the comfort of your home.


Have questions? Want to share your experiences? Contact your Success Coach via email anytime for your questions and support.
Just because it's self-study, doesn't mean you're left on your own.


When you've finished the program, you will have the tools and ability to begin confidently incorporating client testimonials as a regular part your practice.

There is no better feeling than having a happy client gush over you in a testimonial!


Massage Therapist Roadmap to Great Client Testimonials is for any massage therapist and/or bodywork professional who wants to begin leveraging the power of testimonials to attract more clients into their business, or place of employment.


Massage Therapist Roadmap to Great Client Testimonials consists of FIVE video lessons that walks you through the theory and process that you can begin implementing in your business right away.

Here is a breakdown of the lessons...

Lesson 1 - Power of Effective Testimonials

Your first step is to know exactly why testimonials and reviews are so important for the growth of your business.

After this lesson, you will:

  • Become empowered with three important aspects to why you need to be leveraging testimonials and reviews in your business.
  • Understand two crucial must-do's to having your clients happily say "yes" to giving you a glowing testimonial and/or review.
  • Begin to break through the mental blocks that might be preventing you from asking for a testimonial from your clients.

Lesson 2 - Ten Commitments for an Effective Client Testimonial (Pt. 1)

In this lesson you will be introduced to part 1 of 2,  of a best practice guide that you will want to implement in order to have your testimonial process streamlined, and easy to apply for both you and your clients.

After this lesson, you will:

  • Become informed about the due-diligence you need to take BEFORE starting your testimonial process.
  • Have a clear understanding on the best (and worst) times to ask for a testimonial from your client.
  • Understand how to maximize the chances of your happy clients becoming raving fans!

Lesson 3 - Ten Commitments for an Effective Client Testimonial (Pt. 2)

We continue to explore the second half of these ten commitments, which is going to greatly increase your success rate when it comes to having your existing clients leaving you great testimonials and social media reviews.

After this lesson, you will:

  • Learn how to be strategic with overcoming common client objections
  • Understand what to do when it comes to overcoming negative reviews
  • Learn the ONE THING you must do BEFORE submitting your client's testimonial on your website or within your marketing

Lesson 4 - Six Strategic Questions for an Effective Testimonial

At this point you're well on your way to understanding all the crucial elements of what makes up a successful testimonial; however, it's not just HOW you ask... it's also WHAT you need to ask which is equally as important.

Here is where we get into the really fun aspects of this program, where you will be introduced to six strategic power questions that will have you aiming for that perfect testimonial everytime.

After this lesson, you will:

  • Have six strategic power questions that you're going to give directly to your clients before every testimonial
  • Learn the important aspects to the purpose of each question, and why you want to know the answers to them.

Lesson 5 - Putting it all Together

Now that you have your power questions ready to go, let's put it all together to increase your chances of success of obtaining a great testimonial; turning your existing happy clients into raving fans!

After this lesson, you will:

  • Learn step-by-step the actions you should be taking to start getting these testimonials flowing into your business.
  • Understand what makes a testimonial effective and how to avoid common mistakes that so many professionals make when showcasing their client testimonials.
  • Acquire some additional strategic insights on how to use your client testimonials in other ways than just posting them on your website.

Alright... it's time to take action!

Yeah, shockingly affordable program... I know!

However, I can't promise that it will always be this price, so click on the enroll button and let's get you started!

Get access now for only...


Get LIFETIME access to all 5 video training lessons, worksheets & community access for one LOW price!


Massage Therapist & Clinical Hypnotherapist

Richard J Platt is a Massage Therapist since 2002 and a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist since 2006, who studied in both Canada and Germany. Richard owned and operated a multidisciplinary wellness center before retiring from hands-on work in 2011.

Published Author

Richard is a Published Author of the book Massage Therapist Success Mindset - Success Principles for the Massage Therapist Entrepreneur. The book will be released in book stores such as Barnes & Noble in September 2020; however, you can access the advanced copy of this book directly through Richard.

Success Coach for Massage Therapists

Richard now focuses his time solely on coaching massage therapists and other body workers in bridging the gap between what they truly want in their careers and the achievement of it. He does this through progressively moving them toward clear articulation of their own audacious, exciting goals. Richard helps his students realize and create the careers they want to have, by showing them how to get out of their own way.


Do I have to commit a lot of time to taking this course?

The lesson videos are between 10 and 15 mins in length, and there are five of them. So, if you have time to spend 20 mins to focus on each lesson, then that's all you need each day you decide to study the material. That being said, what you put into this program is what you will get out of it. You should at a minimum be spending 10 to 15 hours per week working ON your business. Just some food for thought.

Is there live coaching that I have to attend? 

No. The nature of this program is to be a quick injection of an important strategy that you should be implementing in your business. This program is completely self-study; HOWEVER, if you're a student of mine in any of my programs... you have my full support and can post in your community group any questions you might have. 

What makes this course different from all the others?

Well, first of all there are no other online programs that are dedicated to the topic of obtaining effective testimonials, so this first and foremost is what makes it different. Second, it's AFFORDABLE! I believe in accessibility to education at a reasonable cost, but also charging enough to make sure there is "skin in the game" so to speak. Professional growth is a big investment, but it doesn't have to break the bank. 

What if I live in an area where I am not allowed to market with testimonials (website or otherwise)?

Yes, that is a legit concern! However, this program is more than just about obtaining a testimonial; it shows you how to collect valuable feedback from your current clients. You can also use that information to prompt your client to leave a social media review, which equally acts as a testimonial. 

I have never really put too much thought into testimonials, so I'm not sure I fully understand the benefit here. 

Its common to think like that; I was the same way too, so I get it. Think about it like this - when you are about to purchase a product or service and you see reviews, you're going to go and read them, right? You read them because you want to see what other people say because it may or may not encourage you to buy into that product or service. Your prospective clients ARE doing their homework on you BEFORE they book in (if they book in). A well structured client testimonial acts like a digital word-of-mouth, recommending your service. 

How long do I have access to this program for after I purchase it? 

You have access for as long as the program exists, PLUS, all of the future updates. So, that means if this program becomes bigger and goes up in cost; you are grandfathered in. You also have access to the community group for as long as you're in the program. 

Is this program CEU eligible?

Yes absolutely. This program is eligible through the NCBTMB for 1 CEU.