Niche Discovery Bootcamp

Niche Discovery Bootcamp

14 Days to understanding everything you need to know about how to begin discovering your massage career niche


"Niche Discovery Bootcamp put me on a journey of self-discovery that showed me how to direct the path my business is on, and how to gain that passion about what I do and who I serve. Richard really made me take a look at how I was operating my practice, and in turn, empowered me to feel confident in how I show up for my clients."

Justine Ennis - RMT
Owner of Function Massage Therapy

Are You a Massage Therapist Who...

  •  Finds it difficult to attract quality, repeat client bookings into your practice?
  •  Feels like you have little idea of who you should be marketing your services to?
  •  Wants to develop a clear niche within your practice, but not sure where to start?
  •  Is tired of comparing yourself to what your competitors are doing, which ultimately has you undercharging your services?
  •  Wants to be taken seriously in your profession, but struggles to be seen as the expert  you are?

I Get It...
and I've been where you're at!

After years of struggling to get quality, repeat clients back into my business and feeling like I was trying to sell them on something they might not even need; it wasn't until I discovered my massage career niche that everything changed. Now, I want to share everything I've learned on this topic with YOU... so you can get the same results I did and what so many other bodyworkers are getting too.

When you learn to implement a niche in your massage practice, you will...

Adopt a powerful business strategy for attracting new, quality repeat booking clients into your practice.

Start focusing on growing your business and stop worrying about what your competitors doing.

FINALLY stop marketing your services to everyone and anyone, making your marketing so much easier!

    • Stop undercharging your services and begin charging the rates you should be as the industry professional you are.
    • Take your career to the next level by empower yourself through ongoing professional growth & development

Establish yourself as the authority in your industry, and become an "in-demand" bodyworker for your area.


Niche Discovery Bootcamp

14 Days to understanding everything you need to know about how to begin discovering your massage career niche

"I now have a much more positive outlook and as well as being much clearer about my niche, and where I want to market my business. "

Jamie Naquin - LMT
Owner of TMS Massage

Some of the Things You'll Learn in WEEK ONE !

Crash course with everything you need to know in Niche 101

    • Your two weeks of learning is going to begin with becoming clear on what a niche is, what a niche isn't, and how having a niche in your massage practice can positively transform the way you do business.

Discovering your own massage niche

I'm going to walk you through discovering your own massage career niche with a few simple, yet powerful, self-discovery techniques. Once you understand what client problem YOU help to solve, everything else begins to fall into place.

Identifying and connecting with your ideal client

A massage niche isn't a niche without a client to work with. A niche is going to have whats known as an "ideal client" connected to it. You will learn how to identify and understand your niche client audience, which will help you incredibly with your marketing message.

Some of the Things You'll Learn in

Validating your niche idea

    They don't teach you this in school folks! A rookie mistake that most massage therapists makewhen implementing their niche, is not validating their idea to the market they're trying to sell to. You will learn a tried and true validation exercise BEFORE you take your services to market.

Taking your niche to market

Learn how to begin planning to take your niche idea to market, and making it known that you're ready to do business with your ideal client audience.

Niche succession planning

Succession planning is all about setting you up for the best possible success in your chosen niche. Any accomplished business owner will tell you that it's not easy, but with the right information and guidance, you can avoid some of the common derailers which can have other massage therapists giving up on their niche idea before they even start.

 The Niche Discovery Bootcamp program was definitely worth the time and investment. I was able to understand why discovering and implementing a niche are beneficial to the success and growth of my business. I also really liked the ongoing email support and personalized coaching that Richard offers his students.

Liz Buuck - LMT

as part of the 14-day bootcamp, you will get...

Lesson Videos, Activities & Worksheets

Stay accountable with thought provoking lesson activities & worksheets, so you know exactly how to keep your momentum moving.

Email Support 

If you have an questions regarding the course material, or simply feel stuck on a concept, you will receive the added level of email support for your niche discovery journey.

Lifetime Program Access

Just because it's a bootcamp, doesn't mean that you cannot learn at your own pace. This is a journey, not a race to the finish. So, that being said, you will get lifetime access to the lesson videos, worksheets, private Facebook group AND all future updates!

“Richard helped me to seriously think about what niche market I would like to specialize in my massage therapy career.”
Liesl O.


About Your Coach
Richard J Platt C.Ht

Hi there friend!

My name is Richard and I have been a Massage Therapist since 2002, and a Clinical Hypnotherapist since 2006. I help massage therapists bridge the gap between what they want in their massage careers and achieving it!

I do this through coaching massage therapists on effective goal setting for their careers, niche discovery & ideal client identification - and as well the most important aspect to anyone's success... MINDSET!

I am also the published author of the book Massage Therapist Success Mindset, Success - Principles for the Massage Therapist Entrepreneur.

I can't wait to work with you, so I'll see you inside the program!

 "Before taking the Niche Discovery Bootcamp I was trying to get anyone and everyone as clients, but now, I know exactly who I am marketing to and why. I am so much clearer on the direction I am going in with my career and I honestly couldn't be more excited."

Amanda Callery - RHN


What is a niche?

A niche is described as a narrowed in focus to a specific problem that YOU can solve.

What are some examples of a niche?

Some examples could include carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), Temporal Mandibular Joint Disfunction (TMJD), pre-natal massage, whiplash injuries, chronic pain management, or simply stress management & relaxation. Whatever your niche is, it must be a problem that you help to solve for your clients.

How much time do I need to invest in this program?

This is entirely up to you; however it's like anything, what you put into it is what you're going to get out of it. I recommend that you try to attend the lesson video coaching each day throughout the 14 days, then come back to any of the lessons where you might need to spend more time.

How many Continuing Education Units can I get for this program?

This program is eligible for 8 CEUs through the National Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork.

How long do I have access to the program for?

You have access to the program for the LIFE of the program! Yeah, that means you can come back to this material whenever you'd like.

Is there a refund policy in place for this program?

Because of it's online digital nature and lifetime access, there is no refund for this specific course.

When does the program start and end?

The program emails will end after 14 Days from enrollment; however, you have access to the course material & still receive additional support through email.

How will I be coached on the material?

Each day for 14 days, you will receive an email from me outlining the lesson for that day with some action items you can take. You can also submit your questions get some personalized support on your niche from your coach.

How can I contact you if I have any questions?

You can reach me directly at or go to my website

How many continuing education credits is this course?
Once you have fully completed the program, you will receive a certificate that is NBCTMB approved for EIGHT Continuing Education Credits. This is for US residents only.