Massage Therapist Success Mindset - Success Principles for the Massage Therapist Entrepreneur

Massage Therapist Success Mindset Digital Download

Success Principles for the Massage Therapist Entrepreneur

The time is now...

Massage Therapist Success Mindset is an eye opening, practical guide for success which focuses on a crucial element that is not taught in massage school; mindset.

Within Massage Therapist Success Mindset, Richard J Platt leverages his knowledge and experience of being a massage therapist business owner and a clinical hypnotherapist for nearly a decade.

He applies this information to educate and empower massage therapists to become change agents within their industry.

Richard’s approach is centered around raising awareness that career success is created through a multitude of subconscious beliefs picked up from childhood, which is responsible for 95% of the results.

Massage Therapist Success Mindset shows readers:

  • - How to become aware of and shift out of old limiting beliefs
  • - How to identify their unique niche within the massage industry
  • - That any massage therapist can thrive with the applications of these tools, and more
  • Massage therapists who read Massage Therapist Success Mindset will not only be empowered with a much better understanding of themselves, but also have the knowledge of creating worthy goals that propel them toward the career they have always wanted.

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Massage Therapist Success Mindset - Digital Copy

$18.97 USD

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 "Richard J Platt is a Massage Therapist since 2002 and a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist since 2006, who studied in Canada and Germany.

Richard now dedicates himself full time as a Business Success Coach for the massage therapy industry, and is known for his online digital business coaching programs, Massage Therapist Success Fundamentals and Niche Discovery Bootcamp.

Through his advanced studies of the human mind, and his successful entrepreneurial experience of working both physically and mentally with clients for over 18 years, Richard utilizes his depth of knowledge to help his current students break through the many roadblocks that might be preventing them from creating success within their massage careers.

Richard has been privileged to have previously been trained and mentored under one of the world’s leaders in human growth and potential, Bob Proctor, who starred in the hit movie documentaries The Secret (2006) & Think and Grow Rich – The legacy (2017).

Richard now focuses his time solely on coaching massage therapists and other body workers in bridging the gap between what they truly want in their careers and the achievement of it. He does this through progressively moving them toward clear articulation of their own audacious, exciting goals.

Richard helps his students realize and create the careers they want to have, by showing them how to get out of their own way.

Richard’s time is dedicated to the growth of his online professional development coaching business, and currently lives on the west coast of Canada, in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia.